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Substitution Reaction

Definition: What is a Substitution Reaction?

A substitution reaction is an organic chemical reaction during which a functional group replaces an atom or another functional group attached to a carbon atom in a compound.

Substitution Reaction

Components of a Substitution Reaction

An electron-rich species donates a pair of electrons to an electron-poor species and forms a new product and a new base. Therefore, a substitution reaction contains four components.

  1. Nucleophile: the electron-rich species donating a pair of electrons to carbon
  2. Electrophile: the electron-deficient species accepting a pair of electrons
  3. Product: the species that is formed from a substitution reaction
  4. Leaving group: the group that leaves the compound

Types of Substitution Reaction

There are three general classes of substitution reactions, depending on the following factors.

  • Reactant or substituent
  • Intermediate – carbocation, carbanion, or free radical
  • Substrate (compound) – aliphatic or aromatic
Types of Substitution Reaction

1. Nucleophilic Substitution

When electron-rich species (nucleophile) provides an electron pair for bonding with the compound being transformed, it is called nucleophilic substitution. Some examples of nucleophiles are Cl, Br, I, OH, RO, CN, H2O, and NH3.

Types of Nucleophilic Substitution:

  • SN1 reaction
  • SN2 reaction
  • Nucleophilic aliphatic substitution
  • Nucleophilic aromatic substitution
  • Nucleophilic acyl substitution

2. Electrophilic Substitution

When the substituent is electron-deficient (electrophile) and accepts an electron pair for bonding with the compound to be transformed, it is called electrophilic substitution. Some examples of electrophiles are H3O+, NO2+, and SO3.

Types of Electrophilic Substitution:

  • Electrophilic aliphatic substitution
  • Electrophilic aromatic substitution

3. Radical Substitution

Radical substitution takes place when an atom or group of atoms in a molecule is replaced by a free radical. Some examples of free radicals are Br, Cl, I, and OH.

Applications of Radical Substitution:

  • Barton-McCombie deoxygenation
  • Wohl-Ziegler reaction
  • Hunsdiecker reaction
  • Dowd-Beckwith reaction
  • Barton reaction
  • Minisci reaction

Examples of Substitution Reaction

Halogenation reactions are widespread examples of substitution reactions. Alkane can react with a halogen gas in the presence of ultraviolet light giving alkyl halide. Examples include benzene and methane undergoing chlorination resulting in chlorobenzene and chloromethane (methyl chloride), respectively. Displacement of a good leaving group on an aromatic ring by a nucleophile is an example of nucleophilic aromatic substitution.

Substitution Reaction Examples Benzene Methane

Mechanism of Substitution Reaction

Each type of substitution reaction has a unique mechanism. There is no general way to represent them.

Applications of Substitution Reaction

The following organic reactions use the mechanism of substitution reaction.

6 responses to “Substitution Reaction”

  1. TanveerBaloch says:

    Easier for students to understand

  2. Dragon Wazinga says:

    Well organized and understandable

  3. Abdullahi Adamu Medugu says:

    Good explanation and understanding the content through simply way. Thank you

  4. Gladys says:

    Thank you????

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